Quick tip – Adultery may not have been the real ground for divorce

Until 1971, adultery was one of the few grounds that the law recognized to grant a divorce. Many people who found themselves incompatible lied about having an affair to be able to get a divorce. So if your ancestors were divorced and you find 'overspel' [adultery] listed as the ground in the divorce proceedings, it may not have been the truth. The real reason is probably not recorded.   … [Read more...]

Dutch term – Echtscheiding

Echtscheiding (or scheiding) is the Dutch name for divorce. Up until the last part of the 20th century, divorce was pretty rare in the Netherlands. There are several ways to find out if a couple got divorced. The most common one is to look in the margins of the marriage record, where the divorce will be noted. The divorce will also be recorded in the marriage register, with a reference to the court ruling. You can use this to find the ruling in the court records, which may give more … [Read more...]