New website: Alle Drenten

A new website launched this week: Alle Drenten (all people from Drenthe). Drenthe is a province in the north-east of the country. Many people from other regions lived there too, as it was home to the pauper colonies where beggars, vagrants and prisoners were sent to. The new website is the successor of DrenLias. It contains all the indexes that were available on the old site, and it now includes scans of the original records, just like the similarly-named websites Alle Groningers and Alle … [Read more...]

Drenthe Research Guide

Drenthe is a province in the north-east of the Netherlands. It borders on the province of Groningen in the North, Germany in the east, Overijssel in the south and Friesland in the west. The capital city of Drenthe is Assen. Other large towns are: Emmen Hoogeveen Meppel … [Read more...]