Dutch term – Mulat, Mesties, Casties, Poesties, Testies

The Netherlands was involved in the slave trade from the late 1500s to the early 1800s. In the Dutch provinces, chattel slavery was outlawed, but it was common in the Dutch colonies such as Curacao and Suriname. In the colonies, slavery was abolished in 1863. In these Dutch colonies, specific terms were used to indicate the race of enslaved and freed people of color. These terms are offensive to our modern ears but understanding the meaning of these terms can be a vital clue to understanding … [Read more...]

Crowd funding needed for Suriname Slave Registers

A crowd funded project will digitize and index the slave registers of Suriname, making them freely accessible online.  Slave registers of Suriname The slave registers of Suriname are a unique record series. They record the names of approximately 80,000 people who were enslaved in Suriname between 1830 and the abolition of slavery in 1863. I don't think there is another country in the world that had such a comprehensive registration of its enslaved … [Read more...]

New website about the Dutch in the Caribbean world

A new website is available: The Dutch in the Caribbean World C. 1670-C. 1870. The website has a guide to archival sources on the Dutch colonies in the Caribbean World and a summary of the relevant laws and regulations of the period. The references cover collections in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Curaçao, Suriname and Guyana, especially those that might contain information about slavery and multicultural relations.  … [Read more...]