In cadastral records and land records, you will often find a description how the land was used. Here are the most common terms.
Dutch term | English translation |
armenhuis | poorhouse |
boomgaard | orchard |
bos | wood |
bouwland | farmland |
gemeentehuis | town hall |
hakhout | coppiced wood |
heide | heath |
hooiland | hay land |
huis | house |
huis en erf | house and yard/lot |
kerk | church |
molen | mill |
pastorie | vicarage |
school | school |
stadhuis | town hall |
tuin | garden |
veenland | peat |
weg | road |
weiland | meadow |

Onnink farm in Winterswijk. Credits: Rijksdienst Cultureel Erfgoed (CC-BY-SA)