
This is an overview of Dutch occupations with their English translations.

Dutch term English translation
Advocaat Lawyer
Apotheker Pharmacist
Arbeider Laborer
Arbeidster Laborer (female)
Arts Doctor
Bakker Baker
Boekbinder Bookbinder
Boer Farmer
Boerenwerk doende Doing farmwork
Brouwer Brewer
Bouwman, bouman Farmer
Burgemeester Mayor
Chirurgijn Barber
Dagloner, daglooner Day laborer
Dagloonster Day laborer (female)
Dienstknecht Hired hand
Dienstmeid Maid
Fabrieksarbeider Factory worker
Fabrikant Manufacturer
Fotograaf Photographer
Goudsmid Goldsmith
Huisarts Doctor
Jager Hunter
Jurist Lawyer
Kapper Hairdresser
Kleermaker Taylor
Klompenmaker Woodenshoemaker
Koopman Merchant
Knecht Hired hand
Kuiper Cooper
Landbouwer Farmer
Landbouwersche Farmer (female)
Landbouwersknecht Farmer’s hand
Landbouwster Farmer (female)
Leerlooier Tanner
Loodgieter Plumber
Metselaar Bricklayer
Meubelmaker Furniture maker
Mijnwerker Mine worker
Militair Soldier (generic, someone in the military)
Molenaar Miller
Naaister Seamstress
Pottenbakker Potter
Rechter Judge
Schilder Painter
Schoenmaker Shoemaker
Schoolmeester Teacher
Slager Butcher
Smid Blacksmith
Soldaat Soldier
Stoelenmaker Chair maker
Timmerman Carpenter
Veldwachter Constable
Visser Fisherman
Weefster Weaver (female)
Wever, weever Weaver
Zeeman Sailor
Zilversmid Silversmith

About Yvette Hoitink

Yvette Hoitink, CG®, QG™ is a professional genealogist in the Netherlands. She holds the Certified Genealogist credential from the Board for Certification of Genealogists and has a post-graduate diploma in Family and Local History from the University of Dundee. She has been doing genealogy for over 30 years and helps people from across the world find their ancestors in the Netherlands. Read about Yvette's professional genealogy services.


  1. Michael M. Gollaher says

    Good place to get occupations list. Keep up the good work! – From a fellow with Dutch ancestors,

  2. what would the English translation be for loopknecht? Thanks M

  3. Stephen C Dodd says

    I found a record for a Dutch ancestor of mine with an occupation, “Herbergier”. What is a Herbergier and does his nickname, “tapper” relate to that? Thank you!

  4. How about voorsanger?

  5. MaryAnn Groetsema says

    One of my ancestor’s occupation is listed as olislagersknecht in a Dutch marriage record. But the literal translation – oil butcher’s servant (or helper) — does not make sense to me. Can you help provide a better translation?


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