Netherlands Antilles data available online

Logo National Archives of the Netherlands AntillesCivil registration record from the Netherlands Antilles have been added to WieWasWie, the largest online genealogy database in the Netherlands. This is great news for people who are researching ancestors in the Antilles. 47,000 records from the Civil Registration from the Antilles were added, almost half of the total number of records. The islands of Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten and Bonaire are available completely and some records from Aruba and Saba are available as well. The other records, including those from Curaçao, will follow as soon as they will have been entered.

Search instructions

Information to bear in mind when consulting the civil registration from the Netherlands Antilles:

  • Often the surname of the godfather or godmother was and/or is given to the child, which can lead to long lists of first or last names.
  • Many individuals had aliases. The aliases were the names by which the individuals in question were known locally, whereas in the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages they were registered under official names. The aliases can be found in the Comment field.
  • A death certificate often also contains the place of birth and sometimes the date of birth of the deceased. These are included in the Comment field.
  • Names that are spelled with a "ij" in the Netherlands, are often spelled with a "y" in the Antilles. This obviously makes a difference when formulating a query for the Genlias system.
  • In some cases, the clerk seems to have written down the name phonetically. Spanish speaking people pronounce the letter "j" as "g" and the letter "v" as "b".

Source: WieWasWie

About Yvette Hoitink

Yvette Hoitink, MLitt, CG®, QG™ is a professional genealogist, writer, and lecturer in the Netherlands. She has a Master of Letters in Family and Local History from the University of Dundee, and holds the Certification of Genealogist and Qualified Genealogist credentials. Yvette served on the Board of Directors of the Association of Professional Genealogists and won excellence awards for her articles in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly and the Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly. Yvette has been doing genealogy for over 30 years. She helps people from across the world find their ancestors from the Netherlands and its former colonies, including New Netherland. Read about Yvette's professional genealogy services.


  1. Thank you so much. I have ancestors in St Martin on the Dutch and french sides. Also Anguilla and Antigua. They were on the Hope Estate, Grande Case, Marigot and elsewhere. This is the very first breakthrough I have had on my Great Grandmother’s maiden name. Her mother came from France. My father’s name was REY and it has been very difficult to find much information, except for the links with those who married into families on the Dutch side. I am very excited.

  2. Diana Steele says

    Where would a birth have been registered if a child was born in Willemstaad, Curacao, 1930, to a Dutch father and a Surinaamse mother?

  3. I have been trying for over a month to get a copy of my marriage certificate and related documents. I was married in Curacao in 2006. How and where do I request this information?

  4. Hello!

    My great grandmother is Ivy Hassell of British Guiana in 1910. We know for a fact her father was Captain Frank Hassell of Saba Island. We are trying to find her birth certificate, and are not sure where to look. She moved to the United States around 1912. We were told she was disowned. has provided a great deal of good information but we have reached a dead end. Please help!

  5. Lizzie Lee says

    Hi Yvette. Where can the records of families born in St. Thomas when the Dutch West India Company had a post there be found? Several of my ancestors from 17th & 18th century from Curazao were born in St. Thomas. I have been able to find some birth dates if they got married in Curazao, but if they didn’t get marry or immigrated to South America, I can’t find the birth info in wiewaswie.

    your help is appreciated.

  6. John Brown says

    Wednesday, August 14th 2019/18:07
    Dear Madam/Sir,
    The archives of French former colonies , such as St. Martin ( =French side of the island )
    were held in Guadeloupe. I am referring to the year 2015 when my inquiries took place.
    They took me trough “”CARBICA”” and from there to A.N.O.M. which is “”Archives Nationales
    d”Outre Mer”” 29 Chemin du Moulin de Testas, 13090 Aix-en- Provence, FRANCE
    From there I was directed to the online archive
    Hope this can helpful in finding ancestors from the Caribbean region. I came close but not close enough.
    Despite the “”Entente Cordiale”” the communication between the Dutch and the French
    was cumbersome. I pray this has been resolved now because of new government on both sides.
    Good luck

  7. Lizzie Lee says

    Hi. I noticed that birth and death documentation in Netherland Antilles are in WieWasWie only from 1831 and on. Is there a place where Netherland Antilles births and deaths prior to 1831 can be found?

    Your guidance is appreciated,

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