Quick tip – Abbreviations in Population Registers

The website Uit de oude koektrommel has a useful page with abbreviations you may come across when using population registers. The page has four categories: Algemeen [general] Kerkelijk gezindte [Religious affiliation] Plaatsen en provincies [Place names and provinces] Landen [Countries]. The page is in Dutch, but once you know the full term you can often use a translator like Google Translate to translate the terms to a different language. … [Read more...]

Dutch Genealogical Abbreviations

Here is a list of abbreviations you may come across during your research in the Netherlands. Abbreviation Full version English translation A.R.A. algemeen rijksarchief national archives (outdated term) aktenr. aktenummer record number B.R. Bevolkingsregister Population register B.S. burgerlijke stand civil registration B.S. Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten Domestic Armed Forces (resistance organization in World War … [Read more...]