Factory industries in the Netherlands in 1875

I came across this lovely map in the collection of the National Archives of the Netherlands, which shows the main types of factories in 1875. Translation of the legend: Katoen - Cotton Wolle - Wool Vlas en hennep - Flax and hemp Tapijten - Carpets Leder - Leather Papier - Paper Meekrap - Madder Steenbakkerijen - Brick factories Houtzaagmolens - Wood saw mills Kalkbranderijen - Lime kilns Scheepsbouw - Ship building Metalen - Metalworking Suiker - Sugar Jenever - Gin Diverse … [Read more...]

Dutch term – IJzergieterij

An ijzergieterij is an iron foundry. Especially during the industrial revolution in the 1800s, iron and steel became an important building material and ingredient for many items. The first foundry started in 1689, to supply arms to the army. By the late 1800s, dozens of foundries operated throughout the Netherlands. They were essential to the development of the railway network in the country. … [Read more...]