Philip van Diemen de Jel and Irene Walstra have a list on their website with Historical Disasters in the Netherlands (in Dutch and English). This list is useful if you see an unexpected cluster of deaths in your family.
Since Dutch death records do not list a cause of death, it can be hard to find out how an ancestor died. Knowing there was a epidemic, bombing, or flood in the area can help you find out what may have happened. See also other tips for how to find a cause of death.

Flooding of 1953. Credits: Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst, collection Nationaal Archief (no known copyrights).
regarding natural disasters, the couple left out the flood in the early 1600s where nordstrand island was cut in half. it is now two – nordstrand and pellworm located in north frisia (?)
That was not in the Netherlands.
Are you telling me that Nordstrond and Paul warm are not considered part of the Netherlands? I did not know this if it’s true.
Noordstrand is in Schleswick-Holstein and has never been part of the Nederlands. It has been ruled by Germans, Danes, and probably others but never by the Netherlands.