Was Eleanor of Aquitaine my Ancestor? Generation 10 – Petronella van Vlijmen

This is the eleventh post in a series about my possible line of descent from Eleanor of Aquitaine. In the first post, I explained how I discovered the possible line, and how I am going to verify it one generation at a time. In the last post, I proved that my sixth great-grandfather Jan Smulders was the son of Hendrik Smulders and Petronella van Vlijmen.

Petronella van Vlijmen, daughter of Jenneken Laureijs Denis Peters

In the last blog post, I had already found several sources that provided information about Petronella van Vlijmen:

  • A notarial record from 1768 called her Petronella Hugo van Vlijmen, also known as Van Huicklom, the wife of Hendrik Jan Janse Smolders alias Tats.1
  • She probably had a brother Denis. When her son Jan Smulders married in 1749, he was accompanied by his uncle Denis van Vlijmen.2 He may have been the Dionisius, son of Hubertus Dircken and Joanna who was baptized in Tilburg on 18 October 1680.3 That Dionisius probably had a sister Petronella, baptized in Tilburg on 28 June 1682.4
  • Another relative probably was Theodorus van Huikelom, who witnessed the baptism of her son Jan on 17 November 1713.5

We will look at these and other records for evidence about Petronella’s parents.


Petronella Hugo van Vlijmen married Hendrick Jan Smulders in Tilburg on 26 February 1713, after they had their banns published on 11 February. Their marriage record calls her Petronella Hugo van Vlijmen, single, age 28, parents deceased, assisted by her [unnamed] brother. Both Petronella and Hendrick were born in Tilburg and lived at the Hasselt, a district in Tilburg.6

The age of 28 gives a calculated birth year of 1684-1685. Her patronymic indicates that her father was called Hugo.

Civil marriage record of Hendrick Jan Smulders and Petronella Hugo van Vlijmen

Two days later, they had their marriage in the Roman Catholic church. The Catholic record identified them as Henricus Joannis Smolders and Petronilla Hugo van Vlijmen. Witnesses were Gijsbertus and Cornelia Francken.7

Catholic marriage record


Hendrick Jan Smulders and Petronella van Vlijmen had three children:

  1. Joannes, son of Henricus Smolders and Petronella Hugo van Huikelom, baptized in Tilburg on 17 November 1713. Witnesses: Joanna Willem van Asten in the name of [blank] and Theodorus van Huijkelom.8
  2. Joanna Maria, daughter of Hendricus Smeulders and Petronelle van Vleijmen, baptized in Tilburg on 22 October 1715. Witnesses: Aldegunda Hugo van Vleijmen.9
  3. Anna Maria, daughter of Henricus Jan Smulders and Petronilla Hugo van Vlemen. Witnesses: Mechelina Wijnant Wijtmans.10

The baptismal witnesses give us two possible relatives (siblings?) of Petronella: Theodorus van Huijkelom and Aldegunda Hugo van Vleijmen. The baptisms confirm that Petronella went by both Van Huikelom and Van Vlijmen, like the 1768 notarial record said.

Joanna and Anna are variations of the same name, suggesting that the first daughter probably died. Traditionally, the next child would get the same name.


Neither Hendrik Jan Smulders nor Petronella van Vlijmen were found in the index of Tilburg burials. There were several entries for Hendrik Jan Smulders, but they were all for children or unmarried men.11


Only one man named Hugo or variations had children baptized in Tilburg between 1670 and 1700: Hugo Dircken or Hugo Dircks Huijgen (=Hugo son of Dirck son of Hugo).12 He had a daughter Petronella.

Her baptismal record shows that Petronella, daughter of Hugo Dircken and Joanna, spouses, was baptized in Tilburg on 28 June 1682. Sponsor was Joanna Jan Wijten.13

Baptismal record of Petronella


This Hugo Dircken and Joanna had a total of six children:

  1. Wilhelma, daughter of Huijg Dircken and Joanna, baptized 1 February 1679. Witness: Heijltien Jan Dircken.14
  2. Petronella, daughter of Hugo Dircken and Joanna, baptized 28 June 1682. Witness: Joanna Jan Wijten.15
  3. Laurentia, daughter of Hugo Dirck Huijgen and Joanna, baptized 30 March 1684. Witness: Maria Cornelis Cooijen.16
  4. Theodorus, son of Hugo Dircken and Joanna, baptized 12 April 1686. Witness: Petronilla Daniel Goiers.17
  5. Alegundis, daughter of Hugo Dirck Huijghen and Joanna, baptized 1 December 1688. Witness: Maria Adriaen [Nuijsen?].18
  6. Joannes, son of Hugo Dirck Huijch and Joanna, baptized 1 June 1692. Witness: Joanna Denissen Laureijs Denisen.19

Theodorus van Huijkelom and Aldegundis Hugo van Vleijmen were two names found among the baptismal witnesses of Petronella van Vlijmen’s children. This shows that the only candidate for Petronella van Vlijmen in the baptismal records had a brother Theodorus and sister Alegundis.

The 3.5 year gap between child number 1 and 2 is remarkable since the gaps between the next few children were about two years. Since fertility often decreases as the woman gets older, it seems that there is a child missing.

The baptismal registers have a listing that could well be this missing child. On 18 October 1680, Dionisius, son of Hubertus Dircken and Joanna was baptized in Tilburg. Witness was Catharina Adriaen Claesen.20

No other children of Hubertus Dircken and Joanna were found in the baptismal index, so it seems likely that the name of the father was mistaken and that the priest may have written down the wrong name or wrong Latinization. “Denis van Vlijmen” [Denis is the Dutch version of Dionisius] was identified as the uncle of Petronella’s son Jan Smulders in 1749.21

Three of the siblings appeared in the marriage records as Van Vlijmen. Willemijn Hugo van Vlijmen married in Tilburg on 7 February 1712 at the age of 33.22 That age is consistent with the 1679 baptismal date of Wilhelma.  Dirck van Vlijmen married in Tilburg on 5 August 1714 at the age of 28.23  That age is consistent with the 1686 baptismal date. Jan Hugo van Vlijmen married in Oisterwijk on 7 June 1721, no age given.24 Willemijn, Dirck, and Jan are the Dutch versions of the Latin Wilhelma, Theodorus, and Joannes.

On 24 June 1716, Theodorus Hugo van Vlijmen was appointed as supervising guardian over the child of the late Joost Symon Wijten whose mother was Willemijn Hugo van Vlijmen.25 Theodorus and Wilhelma were two of the children born to Hugo Dirck Huijgen and Jenneken Laureijs Denis Peeters. The unusual combination of the names Theodorus, Willemijn, and Hugo indicates that these are the same persons, showing that two siblings of the Petronella born in 1682 also used the name Van Vlijmen.

Marriage record of the parents

Hugo Dirck Huijgen, a single man, married on 4 February 1678 to Jenneken Laureijs Denis Peeters.26 Jenneken is the Dutch version of the Latin Joanna, so the names of these spouses fit the parents of the children in the baptismal register. They married a year before the baptismal of the eldest child, a normal interval.

The name of the bride shows she was Jenneken, daughter of Laureijs, son of Denis, son of Peeter. These long lists of patronymics were common in Noord-Brabant in the 1600s, where there was not a large pool of first names so multiple patronymics were used  to identify a person.

Marriage record of Hugo Dirck Huijgen and Jenneken Laureijs Denis Peeters

Guardianship record

On 10 October 1699, Jan Laureijs Peijnenborgh was appointed as guardian and Jan Laureijs Denissen as supervising guardian over the seven minor children of the late Huyg Dirck Huygen of whom Jenneke Laureijs Denissen was the mother.27

The names of the parents are consistent with the names in the marriage record and baptismal records, showing that Jenneken Laureijs Denis Peeters was the mother of all Hugo’s children and that he did not marry another Jenneken/Joanna between 1678 and 1699. The guardianship record omits the patronymic Peeters, but the patronymics referring to her father and grandfather are the same. The children are not named in the record.

The guardianship appointment confirms that Hugo and Jenneken had seven children, which allows for Dionisius to be their son. It also shows that her parents were dead by 1699, which is consistent with the note on Petronella’s marriage record that her parents were deceased.

Guardianship record

Van Huijkelom name

No records were found for a Hugo van Huijkelom or variations in Tilburg and the surrounding areas.28

Van Vlijmen name

No records were found for a Hugo van Vlijmen or variations in Tilburg and the surrounding areas.29 But there was a record for Dierick Huijgen Diericx van Vlijmen in 1647.30 The unusual combination of the first name and patronymics identify him as Hugo Dirck Huijgen’s father, showing that Hugo’s father used the Van Vlijmen name.

Analysis and Conclusion

Several points of correlation identify the Petronella, born in 1682 to Hugo Dirck Huijgen and Jenneken Laureijs Denis Peters as Petronella Hugo van Vlijmen, also known as Van Huijcklom, the wife of Hendrik Jan Smulders.

Petronella, daughter of Hugo Dirck Huijgen and Jenneken Laureijs Peters Petronella Hugo van Vlijmen/Huijcklom, wife of Hendrik Jan Smulders Comparison
Baptized in Tilburg Born in Tilburg according to marriage record Matches
Baptized in 1682 Age 28 at marriage in 1713, calculated birth year of 1684-1685 Minor discrepancy
Daughter of Hugo Patronymic Hugo Matches
Sister Wilhelma, baptized in 1679 Willemijn Hugo van Vlijmen married in 1712 at age 28. Theodorus Hugo van Vlijmen was guardian over Willemijn Hugo van Vlijmen’s children. Their patronymics and last names match those of Petronella. Consistent
Brother Dionisius Denis van Vlijmen was the uncle of her son Jan in 1749 Consistent
Sister Laurentia Not found in later records, may have died young or become a nun.
Brother Theodorus, baptized in 1686. Theodorus van Huijkelom witnessed baptism of son in 1713. Dirck [Dutch version of Theodorus] van Vlijmen married in 1714 at age 28. Theodorus Hugo van Vlijmen was guardian over Willemijn Hugo van Vlijmen’s children. Consistent
Sister Alegundis Aldegunda Hugo van Vleijmen witnessed baptism of daughter in 1715. Consistent
Brother Joannes Jan Hugo van Vlijmen married in 1721. Patronymics and last name match Petronilla’s. Consistent
Apparent grandfather Dirck used the name Van Vlijmen Petronilla used the name Van Vlijmen. Consistent

Since there was no other Hugo in Tilburg having children in that period, especially one with children Petronella, Dionisius, Alegundis, Theodorus, and Joannes, this must be the correct family.

Petronella’s baptismal record identified her mother as Joanna. The marriage record of her parents and the guardianship appointment record over the minor children of her parents identified the mother as Jenneken Laureijs Denis Peeters. The body of evidence proves that she was Petronella van Vlijmen’s mother.

This proof has been the most complex so far, since the people did not use their names consistently. Petronella used two different last names, while the only records found of her father only used patronymics. By expanding research to her siblings and by using other records besides the church records, her mother could be identified anyway.

That is ten generations down, eighteen to go!

Next up: Generation 11 – Jenneken Laureijs Denijs Peters.


  1. Cornelis Bles, public notary (Tilburg), minutes 1768-1769, record 127, declaration about descendants of Jan Jans Smolders (22 december 1768); “Zoek een persoon,” index and images, Regionaal Archief Tilburg (http://www.regionaalarchieftilburg.nl : accessed 7 May 2016).
  2. Dutch Reformed Church (Tilburg), marriage register 1746-1759, p. 97, Smulders-Klijberg (27 April 1749); “Zoek een persoon,” index and images, Regionaal Archief Tilburg (http://www.regionaalarchieftilburg.nl : accessed 7 May 2016).
  3. St. Dionisius Roman Catholic Church (Tilburg), baptismal register 1650-1687, Dionisius Hubertus Dircken (18 October 1680); “Zoek een persoon,” index and images, Regionaal Archief Tilburg (http://www.regionaalarchieftilburg.nl : accessed 13 December 2017).
  4. St. Dionisius Roman Catholic Church (Tilburg), baptismal register 1650-1687, Petronella Hugo Dircken (28 June 1682).
  5. St. Dionisius Roman Catholic Church (Tilburg), baptismal register 1696-1726, p. 112v, Joannes Smolders (17 November 1713); “Zoek een persoon,” index and images, Regionaal Archief Tilburg (http://www.regionaalarchieftilburg.nl : accessed 7 May 2016).
  6. Dutch Reformed Church (Tilburg), marriage register 1701-1734, p. 173, Smulders-Van Vlijmen (11 februari 1713); “Zoek een persoon,” index and images, Regionaal Archief Tilburg (http://www.regionaalarchieftilburg.nl : accessed 7 May 2016).
  7. St. Dionisius Roman Catholic Church (Tilburg), marriage register 1691-1722, Smulders-Van Vlijmen (28 February 1713); “Bladeren in registers,” browsable images, Regionaal Archief Tilburg (http://www.regionaalarchieftilburg.nl : accessed 7 May 2016).
  8. St. Dionisius Roman Catholic Church (Tilburg), baptismal register 1696-1726, p. 112v, Joannes Smolders (17 November 1713); “Zoek een persoon,” index and images, Regionaal Archief Tilburg (http://www.regionaalarchieftilburg.nl : accessed 7 May 2016).
  9. St. Dionisius Roman Catholic Church (Tilburg), baptismal register 1696-1726, p. 124, Joanna Maria Smeulders (22 October 1715).
  10. St. Dionisius Roman Catholic Church (Tilburg), baptismal register 1696-1726, p. 141, Joanna Maria Smeulders (4 May 1717).
  11. “Zoek een persoon,” index, Regionaal Archief Tilburg (http://www.regionaalarchieftilburg.nl : accessed 19 December 2017), search for H* Sm*lder* and P*nel* in “begraafakte” between 1716 and
  12. “Zoek een persoon,” index, Regionaal Archief Tilburg (http://www.regionaalarchieftilburg.nl : accessed 19 December 2017), search for Hu*g* as vader [father], periode [period] 1670-1700, plaats [place] Tilburg.
  13. St. Dionisius Roman Catholic Church (Tilburg), baptismal register 1650-1687, Petronella Hugo Dircken (28 June 1682).
  14. St. Dionisius Roman Catholic Church (Tilburg), baptismal register 1650-1687, Wilhelma Huijg Dircken (1 February 1679).
  15. St. Dionisius Roman Catholic Church (Tilburg), baptismal register 1650-1687, Petronella Hugo Dircken (28 June 1682).
  16. St. Dionisius Roman Catholic Church (Tilburg), baptismal register 1650-1687, Laurentia Hugo Dirck Huijgen (30 March 1684).
  17. St. Dionisius Roman Catholic Church (Tilburg), baptismal register 1650-1687, Theodorus Hugo Dircken (12 April 1686).
  18. St. Dionisius Roman Catholic Church (Tilburg), baptismal register 1687-1696, Alegundis Hugo Dirck Huijghen (1 December 1688).
  19. St. Dionisius Roman Catholic Church (Tilburg), baptismal register 1687-1696, Joannes Hugo Dirick Huijg (1 June 1692).
  20. St. Dionisius Roman Catholic Church (Tilburg), baptismal register 1650-1687, Dionisius Hubertus Dircken (18 October 1680).
  21. Dutch Reformed Church (Tilburg), marriage register 1746-1759, p. 97, Smulders-Klijberg (27 April 1749).
  22. Dutch Reformed Church (Tilburg), marriage register 1701-1734, Wijtens-Van Vlijmen (7 februari 1712).
  23. Dutch Reformed Church (Tilburg), marriage register 1701-1734, Van Vlijmen-Van Beurde (5 August 1714).
  24. Dutch Reformed Church (Oisterwijk), marriage register 1701-1734, Van Vlijmen-Schapendonk (7 juni 1721); “Zoeken naar een persoon,” index and images, Regionaal Archief Tilburg (http://www.regionaalarchieftilburg.nl : accessed 20 December 2017)
  25. A.W.J. van Meerendonk, compiler, “Eden van voogden in Tilburg-Oud Rechterlijk Archief, inv.nr. 670, 671 en 672, 1712-1810” [Oaths of guardians in Tilburg-Old Court Records, call no. 670, 672, and 672, 1712-1810]; PDF via finding aid 14, “Inventaris van het archief van de schepenbank Tilburg en Goirle, 1408-1811” [Finding aid of the archives of the aldermen’s court of  Tilburg and Goirle, 1408-1811], attached to call no. 8494, protocols of appointments of guardians, Regionaal Archief Tilburg (http://www.regionaalarchieftilburg.nl : accessed 19 December 2017).
  26. Aldermen’s Court (Tilburg), marriage register 1677-1678, page 40, Huijgen-Peters (4 February 1678); “Zoek een persoon,” index and images, Regionaal Archief Tilburg (http://www.regionaalarchieftilburg.nl : accessed 7 May 2016).
  27. Aldermen’s Court (Tilburg), guardian oaths 1687-1700, children of Huijgh Dirck Huijgen and Jenneke Laureijs Denissen (10 oktober 1699); call no. 8492, “Schepenbank van Tilburg en Goirle” [Aldermen’s Court of Tilburg and Goirle], Record Group 14; Regionaal Archief Tilburg, Tilburg.
  28. “Zoek een persoon,” index, Regionaal Archief Tilburg (http://www.regionaalarchieftilburg.nl : accessed 19 December 2017), search for Hu*g* H*m. Also, regular expression search in downloaded finding aids no. 14, 1428 and underlying compiled records from Regionaal Archief Tilburg.
  29. “Zoek een persoon,” index, Regionaal Archief Tilburg (http://www.regionaalarchieftilburg.nl : accessed 19 December 2017), search for Hu*g* Vl*men. Also, regular expression search in downloaded finding aids no. 14, 1428 and underlying compiled records from Regionaal Archief Tilburg.
  30. “Zoek een persoon,” index, Regionaal Archief Tilburg (http://www.regionaalarchieftilburg.nl : accessed 19 December 2017), entry for Dierick Huijgen Diericx van Vlijmen; citing Archiefnummer 14, Schepenbank van Tilburg en Goirleinventarisnummer 361blad 45r.
About Yvette Hoitink

Yvette Hoitink, MLitt, CG®, QG™ is a professional genealogist, writer, and lecturer in the Netherlands. She has a Master of Letters in Family and Local History from the University of Dundee, and holds the Certification of Genealogist and Qualified Genealogist credentials. Yvette served on the Board of Directors of the Association of Professional Genealogists and won excellence awards for her articles in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly and the Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly. Yvette has been doing genealogy for over 30 years. She helps people from across the world find their ancestors from the Netherlands and its former colonies, including New Netherland. Read about Yvette's professional genealogy services.


  1. john Schuurman says

    we have folk by the name of Huijkelom in our family

    • Heukelum (old spelling: Huijkelom) is a village in Brabant. Several families derived their names from that village. It could be that we’re related, or that both our family members happened to name themselves after that village.

  2. Mary Beth Mueller says

    I love your writing and analysis – all my research is Irish and I learn so much from you. Thank you

  3. Matt Newbold says

    I really enjoy this series of posts! Seeing how you analyze your family tree is very helpful. Do you find most witnesses at baptisms are siblings of one of the parents. Are grandparents commonly witnesses?

  4. Teresa Coffman says

    Amazing work!

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